Aimilios Lallas
Caterina Longo
General Secretary
John Paoli
Administrative Co-Ordinator
Iris Zalaudek
Past President
Gerald Gabler
Rainer Hoffman-Wellenhof
Auditor 1
Giovanni Pellacani
Public Relations
Giuseppe Argenziano
Dermatology Practical and Conceptual Editor
Horacio Cabo
President of the next World Congress
Josep Malvehy
EADO & EADV Liaison Officer
Allan Halpern
ISIC & AAD Liaison Officer
Lidia Rudnicka
Representative of the Board (Europe 1)
Stephen Hayes
Representative of the Board (Europe 2)
David Swanson
Representative of the Board (North America)
Raul Cabrera
Representative of the Board (Central and South America)
Jie Liu
Representative of the Board (Asia)
Hoda Moneib
Representative of the Board (Africa)
Cliff Rosendahl
Representative of the Board (Australia)
Konstantinos Liopyris
Website & Media Committee Chair
Nisa Akay
Website & Media Committee Chair
Elvira Moscarella
Education Committee Chair
Mike Marchetti
Education Committee Chair
Raimonds Karls
Non-English activities Committee Chair
Gabriel Salerni
Non-English activities Committee Chair
Susana Puig
Awards and fellowships Commitee Chair
Wilhelm Stolz
Awards & Fellowships Committee Chair
Alon Scope
Studies Committee Chair
Ana-Maria Forsea
Studies Committee Chair
Zoe Apalla
Scientific Program Committee Chair
Ralph Braun
Dermoscopedia Working Group Chair
Claudio Conforti
Dermoscopedia Working Group Chair
Cristian Navarrette-Dechent
Annotations and Gaming Working Group Chair
Natalia Jaimes
Annotations and Gaming Working Group Chair
Ash Marghoob
Dermoscopy Curriculum Working Group Chair
Cristina Carrera
Dermoscopy Curriculum Working Group Chair
Harald Kittler
Brainstorming Working Group Chair
Peter Soyer
Tele-Imaging and DICOM Task Force Chair
Liam Caffrey
Tele-Imaging and DICOM Task Force Chair
Enzo Errichetti
Imaging in Skin of Colour Task Force Chair
Ahmed Sadek
Imaging in Cosmetics Task Force Chair
Philipp Tschandl
AI Projects Liaison Officer
Elisa Cinotti
Super High Magnification Task Force Chair
Stefania Guida
Super High Magnification Task Force Chair
Michela Starace
Trichoscopy and Onychoscopy Task Force Chair
Ibero Latin American College of Dermatology (CILAD) is a non-pr
ofit organization that brings together more than 4,000 active members from 23 Ibero-American
With more than 70 years of history, it was founded in 1948 in Havana, Cuba, with the aim of
fostering the scientific development of the specialty and promoting the fraternal links of
Spanish-Portuguese speaking dermatologists.
The authorities of the institution, formed by the Board of Directors and National Delegates,
are elected during the General Assembly of Members every 2 years.
CILAD has 23 Scientific Chapters of different subspecialties of dermatology.
“Foster the development of Latin American dermatology through scientific exchange between
specialists, the generation of fraternal links between colleagues, and education to the
Dear Colleagues,
We are glad to let you know that the 6
th World Congress of Dermoscopy will be held in
Buenos Aires, Argentina from the 16th to the 19th of October 2024.
We are working on all the preparations to offer you an excellent scientific programme and also
an array of social activities that we are sure you will enjoy.
Buenos Aires is the perfect excuse for you to join us and enjoy this big and cosmopolitan city.
For those who decide to take a few days off before or after the Congress, you can enjoy Iguazu
Falls in the north, whales in the south, sea and beaches in the east and mountains and snow in
the west. All the best in our country in a two-hour flight.
Since the 5
th World Congress of Dermoscopy in Tessaloniki (Greece) in 2018, the
advances and scientific publications on Dermoscopy have been many and we are sure that the
Congress Program will be very interesting for all those who attend.
Although we still have little more than one year and a half left, we want to invite you to get
ready for this Congress.
We are willing to receiving you in Buenos Aires.
Kindest regards
Horacio Cabo
6th World Congress of Dermoscopy 2024

Floralis Genérica is a sculpture made of steel and aluminum located in Plaza de las Naciones
Unidas, Avenida Figueroa Alcorta, Buenos Aires, a gift to the city by the Argentine architect
Eduardo Catalano. Catalano once said that the flower "is a synthesis of all the flowers and, at
the same time, a hope reborn every day at opening." It was created in 2002. The sculpture was
designed to move, closing it spetals in the evening and opening them in the morning.
One of the characteristics of the flower is anelectrical system that automatically opens
and closes the petals depending on the time of the day. At nigh the flower closes, emanating a
red glow from in side, and reopens (" reborn...") the following morning. This mechanism so
closes the flower if strong winds blow.
It opens every morning at 8 and closes at sunset, on a schedule that changes according
to the season
According to Eduardo Catalano, the author, Floralis "means belonging to the flora and
therefore the flowers", and Genérica "from the concept of "gender" and indicates that it
represents all the flowers in the world"
Fernando Stengel
Fernando Gatti
Gabriel Salerni
All sessions will be in English, simultaneous translation into Spanish will NOT be
EXCEPTIONS:Some sessions on Wednesday (Dermoscopy Courses, SBD Meeting, SAD
Meeting and CILAD Symposium) will be held in Spanish or Portuguese, without
translation into English, as indicated in the program.
Participation certificates for the scientific program, free papers, and congress attendance will
be available exclusively online starting Wedenesday, October 30, on the website
To obtain the certificates, you must enter your First and Last Name as it appears on your badge.
To obtain certificates for free papers, you must enter the Presentation Type (Oral, E-Poster)
and the paper number.
It will be available during the Congress's operating days and hours. Do not forget your
belongings when leaving the premises.
Speakers must submit their presentations to this office well in advance: at least 2 hours before
the start of the session in which they will participate. If your participation is early in the
morning, presentations must be submitted the previous day.
To avoid delays caused by switching computers in the session room and possible compatibility
issues, the Organizing Committee will provide speakers with the standard A/V system for
projection. To ensure a smooth transition, speakers are requested not to plan on connecting
their own laptop to the room's projector.
They are not included in the registration. The venue has two cafés located on levels -1 and -2,
and there are also many food options in the surrounding area.
Line H "Facultad de Derecho" station is just a few steps from the Convention Center
Explore the city of Buenos Aires
Everything you need to know before your visit
Major credit cards are accepted in most hotels, stores and restaurants.
Electric power in Argentina is 220 volts, 50 cycles, alternating current.
Currency, currency exchange and tax-free shopping in Buenos Aires.
Exhibition. Level -2
Wednesday, October 16 - 14:00 to 18:00 h
Thursday, October 17 - 09.00 to 18:00 h
Friday, October 18 - 09:00 to 18:00 h
Saturday, October 19 - 09:00 to 13:30 h
Cloakroom. Level -2
Wednesday, October 16 - 11:00 to 20:00 h
Thursday, October 17 - 07:30 to 19:00 h
Friday, October 18 - 07:30 to 18:30 h
Saturday, October 19 - 07:00 to 14:30 h
Speaker´s ready room Level -2 Room C
Wednesday, October 16 -
12.30 a 18.30
Thursday, October 17 - 07:30 a 18.30 h
Friday, October 18 - 07:00 a 17:30 h
Saturday, October 19 - 07:30 a 13.30 h
Registration. Level -1
Wednesday, October 16 - 11:00 to 18:00 h
Thursday, October 17 - 07.30 to 18:00 h
Friday, October 18 - 07:30 to 17:00 h
Saturday, October 19 - 08:00 to 12:30 h